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Healing Through Nutrition
Dr. Kantor can provide you with a personalized diet plan that is specially designed to take into consideration your genetics, environment, and any other lifestyle factors.
However, here are a few key rules that every person can use to begin their path to a life of increasing vitality and wellness.
Changing your diet can help prevent and reverse heart disease, reduce the risk and progression of cancer, and prevent a host of other illnesses and diseases. Nutrition is an essential part of leading a long and healthy, disease-free life.
Animal protein increases your risk of heart disease by delivering a heavy dose of saturated fat and cholesterol, and even antibiotics. Even fish, which has long been touted as one of the staples of a healthy diet, contains 15-30% saturated fat, not to mention high levels of mercury and even traces of prescription medications that have been dumped into our oceans in the form of human sewage.
Animal protein does not need to be avoided altogether, but should sometimes be substituted by other forms of protein. Beans and legumes are not only provides protein but also contains soluble fiber that actually helps to lower cholesterol. Other sources of protein can be found in whole grains like quinoa, amaranth and millet.
Snacking on nuts also provide an excellent way of introducing healthier forms of protein into the diet, especially walnuts, pistachios and almonds. Protein can also be found in vegetables. For instance, broccoli is 30% protein and contains highly absorbable calcium.
Milk has always been seen as a “healthy” food, and is even seen as an essential part of a child’s diet. However, casein, a protein found in milk, has been linked to the growth rate of cancer. You can give up dairy without depleting your supplies of calcium, potassium and vitamin D.
The vitamin D found in milk is artificially added – you’ll notice that products will boast of being “vitamin D fortified.” Soy, almond, rice and oat milk can also be fortified with vitamin D, and they are lower in saturated fat than dairy milk. Boosting your diet with leafy green vegetables, like collards, Brussels sprouts, kale and broccoli, for calcium, and fruit, like oranges, for potassium.
Sunlight is the natural and best source of vitamin D. It is essential to get at least 15 minutes of direct sunlight every day. However, in the winter months that can sometimes be an impossible task. Liquid vitamin D drops are a good substitute.
Processed Foods
Processed foods are stripped of nutrients and injected with sugar, salt and trans-fats, three substances that lead to obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
Replacing processed foods with food that is fresh will lengthen you life and free you from disease.
Remember, it may seem difficult at first, but this type of eating should not be considered a diet, but a way of life.