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specializing in helping

people improve

nutrition, structure, and function
Testimonials //

Daniel L.

"My life has literally been saved by Dr. Kantor's care and understanding. Over the course of 3 months, I went from 100% inactive to a person who could walk and move freely.... I owe getting my life back to Dr. Kantor." more...

Rose R.

"I was seen by two highly respected orthopedic specialists; after numerous x-rays, MRI and Cat-Scan, they both determined that I had severe arthritis of the left hip, would need hip replacement surgery, and scheduled me for surgery.... After my third appointment with Dr. Kantor, I cancelled the surgery! I can't say enough about Dr. Kantor. He truly cares about his patients." more...

Mary M.

"I never thought I would ever feel good again.... I am forever indebted to Dr. Kantor.... and hope to continue seeing him as part of my preventative health care." more...

Julia F.

"... my mother, sister, grandmother, aunt, boyfriend, best friend and her mother all go to Dr. Kantor. I want to make sure that the people I love are receiving the best, most thorough care possible." more...

Minda A.

"I am now finding a balance in life and much of this is due to Dr. Kantor's influence and care in my life." more...

Craig F.

"I just feel so much better physically, mentally and emotionally." more...

Eric K.

"Dr. Kantor cares about his patients -- exudes optimism.... Treats causes, not symptoms." more...

Who We Are


The Kinesiology Center for Health and Human Performance is the private practice of Dr. Joshua Kantor. We specialize in patients who have the desire to improve thier heath, but who have had limited or no results elswhere.


What We Do


Through the use of functional medicine, applied kinesiology, clinical nutrition, and chiropractic, Dr. Kantor will provide a greater insight into the nature of your illness, injury or pain, and offer relief where none had existed before. 


How We Are Different


Dr. Kantor treats patients using the wellness model instead of the medical model of care, and blends both Eastern and Western methods of diagnosis and treaments.


Why It Matters


Focusing on the root cause of your illness or injury, instead of masking symptoms with medication or temprorary relief, will increase the chances of recovery and prolonged wellness. Our high expectations and consistent positive results lead to greater overall health and will improve your life.


Mission Statement


The Kinesiology Center for Health and Human Performance is comitted to treating the Individual, not the disease or injury. We expect all our patients to be motivated and take responsibility for their own health. In doing so, you CAN take charge of your life and ultimately achieve optimal health and well being.


"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." - Thomas Edison

To schedule an appointment call 212.661.0045

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